Autumn has arrived.
This week in Nursery we have been exploring the changing seasons and talking about Autumn. Some of us went for Autumn walks at the weekend with our families and brought our found treasures into Nursery to talk about, observe and use. These included conkers, leaves of all shapes, sizes and colours, berries, pine cones, acorns and sticks.
We have used our Autumn objects to create a tree in our transient art area, to create colourful leaf rubbings and observe closely with magnifying glasses. We have also included conkers and pine cones in our counting area and used blackberries to squash, making a lovely deep purple colour which we used to paint with outdoors. We bought some new equipment this week in Nursery, including some powder paint and pipettes, so we decided to mix some colours to use in our painting, including brown, green and orange. In our two year old’s room, we used apples to taste, print with and make patterns.