Commando Joes in Year 6
Year 6 have been looking at character development and we talked about how Commando Joes encourages resilience, empathy, self-awareness, positivity, excellence, communication and teamwork which are all vital skills. We linked our learning to other areas of the curriculum and chose Amelia Earhart as our mission. She was the first female pilot to fly over the Atlantic Ocean. She defied everyone’s expectations of what a woman’s
role should be. Are some things better left to men? Amelia didn’t think so. In English and Personal Development, we have been looking at gender stereotypes and how we should all be treated fairly. In our first Commando Joes’ mission, we seperated the teams into boys and girls and gave the boys lots of unfair advantages. This was to show what it would have been like for Amelia Earhart in the 1920’s before the Equality Act.