Consolidating our Natural resources Geography topic in Year 5.
Consolidating our Geography knowledge in Year 5.
The children in our Year 5 class have been using new and exciting ways to consolidate their learning about the Geography topic ‘Natural resources’. At the end of each lesson we use our revision clock to record the new facts and information we have covered that lesson. In Year 5, Mrs McManus even draws a large revision clock on the window in chalk pen and the children add to this.
As an end of topic activity the children made posters and lap books, to gather all of the new information they had been learning and presented this to the class. These books displayed pictures, labelled diagrams, fold out sections, descriptions, annotations and symbols and were a very creative and inventive way to pull all they had learned throughout the topic together in a purposeful way. One group even created a 3D model oil rig to present their information. Wow!