Home Learning in Year 6!
Another week of home learning has passed. I have continued to be impressed with the children in Year 6 and how resilient they are in these very different times. It has been another great week with children attending our live lessons. It really is so lovely to see all of your faces.
In maths, we started the tricky topic of percentages which the children have worked so hard to develop their skills in. Children in our live lessons were keen to give answers and lots of people had their hands up and used their whiteboards like we do in school. I am sure your percentages work next week will be just as good!
In RE, we wrote to the Year 2 children in the style of St. Paul to help give them advice and guidance for how to behave in their time at St. Mary’s. The children’s ideas were excellent as they really thought about the values of our school.
Year 6 really have worked hard in art and have been able to create landscapes with effective shading.
They were also tasked with making a leaflet for Miss Bushby about Newcastle for their geography learning and the children were able to give fascinating facts and myself and Mrs Parker were also learning new information from the children in school.
Year 6, you continue to amaze me and make me so proud with the work you are producing and your attendance in our live lessons. I have attached some work to this post to show others how amazing you all are. I am sorry I cannot attach it all! I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.
Jack’s Maths Work
Lola’s Art Work