Home Learning in Year 6
Another week of home learning Year 6 and the work that you continue to send in, impresses me. I am so pleased with the effort that you have all placed in to coming to live lessons and your behaviour within lessons is excellent. Mrs Colley popped into one of our lessons and she was also so proud of you all.
This week we have continued our percentages knowledge in maths and took on the tricky task of finding percentages of amounts. I can’t tell you how proud I am of all the people joining in and developing their maths learning.
Within RE we concluded our sources topic and thought about creating a speech in the style of St. Paul to inspire others around the world. You all have lovely ideas for the world.
Our science lessons about light continued this week and you were able to study reflection and refraction and complete tasks linking to these.
This week we celebrated how to look after our mental health which is so important in these difficult times. The children thought carefully about what makes us individuals and we all thought about ways to express ourselves to keep our minds healthy. The children also thought about the mental health of our local community and have written letters to the elderly or people who are isolating to help them during this pandemic.
I have attached examples of some of the lovely work I have received this week for you all to see how hard our children are working!
A special well done to Abigail for her Golden Award this week and Rhys for his Special Award.
I know I tell you all of the time Year 6, but I am honestly so proud of you all and how well you are doing in these very difficult times! Mrs Waite
Chloe’s Maths Work
Ryan’s RE Work
Lexi’s Science Work
Abigail’s PSHE Work
Gabby’s Start to her Letter to the Community