Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 page.  Our class is taught by Mrs Riley and supported by Mrs Parker.  Please visit our page for regular updates and information.

Useful Documents

Class Newsletters

Autumn A

Autumn B

Spring A

Spring B


Year 3 Autumn A

Year 3 Autumn B

Year 3 Spring A

Year 3 Spring B

Year 3/4 Statutory Spellings


Useful Links

Times Tables Rockstars!

Active Learn

Hit the Button



Get Epic Reading Resource

Brilliant daily maths lessons with videos and resources!

Emoji Problem Solving


Useful Websites

KS2 Science guides and clips

National Geographic for kids

Nasa kids


Great Bug Hunt

RSPB Bird watch (has closed but you can still ID birds!)

Nature Detectives

Wildlife Trust including the #30DaysWild later in the year

The Scouts The Great Indoors activities

ExpeRImental from The Royal Institution

Institute of Physics (IOP) Marvin and Milo STEM cartoon activities

Online drawing course from very basic up (observational drawing also important in science!)