Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 page. In Year 2, Our teacher is Mrs Miller who is supported by Miss Hancock. In Year 2, we like to work together, look after each other and treat each other with respect. We work, play and pray together. Please visit our page for regular updates and year two information.

Useful Documents

Class Newsletters

Autumn A

Autumn B

Spring A

Spring B

Summer A

Summer B


Autumn A

Autumn B

Spring A spellings (1)

Spring B

Summer A

Summer B spellings


Useful Links

Times Tables Rockstars



Active Learn




Useful Websites

KS1 Science guides and clips
National Geographic for kids
Nasa kids
Great Bug Hunt
RSPB Bird watch (has closed but you can still ID birds!)
Nature Detectives
Wildlife Trust including the #30DaysWild later in the year
The Scouts The Great Indoors activities
ExpeRImental from The Royal Institution
Institute of Physics (IOP) Marvin and Milo STEM cartoon activities
Online drawing course from very basic up (observational drawing also important in science!)

Computing at The Word

Year two have been working extremely hard to write their own riddle and have even published them today after editing and improving their writing.

Diamante Poems

Over the past two weeks the children have been focusing on poems within our writing lessons. The first week they all wrote an acrostic poem linked to our Geography topic of ‘Handa’s African Adventure’. This week, the children entered a competition writing a diamante poem.

D&T – Patchwork

The children began cutting different types of materials this week to test how different materials cut from one another to create a mini patchwork in their book. Next week they will complete the same activity, however this time they need to be able to create an animal within the patchwork.

Maths – Statistics

Year 2 were amazing this morning finding data to complete tally charts and interpret what they had found.


Design & Technology

Year 2 have began their ‘Design & Make’ topic today where they are focusing on patchwork. The children made a poster with a friend to explain to others what patchwork is and made a small example of a piece of patchwork using different shapes and colours of paper.

Parent/Carer Phonics Session

Thank you to all of the adults who attended our Phonics Sessions on Wednesday morning. The children thoroughly enjoyed working alongside their grown ups to complete a range of phonic activties.

RE – Advent
Learning Focus 4 – The Visitation
The children completed some beautiful pieces of artwork of when Mary went to visit Elizabeth.

Digital Media – Taking Photographs

Today, we looked at which devices can and cannot take photographs and how to take a photograph. Then we all took various photographs using a photograph bingo board to capture different media e.g a selfie, an object close up, a building.


Today we looked at the celebration of Diwali – also known as the Festival of Light. We each made a candle to shine bright and welcome in the new year within some religions.

Column Addition

We have been working very hard the last two days learning column addition without crossing the tens. Today we had a quick recap before focusing on word problems.


New Beginnings Class Liturgy
Year 2 would like to thank all of the adults who attended our class liturgy today. We reflected on our last topic within R.E and thought carefully while planning our liturgy.

Forest School
We had a great second week at Forest School learning about materials and their properties. Everyone worked together to find materials of different properties and then we began looking at habitats. Eventually everyone worked in groups to build a shelter which had to not let any water in. The shelters were all tested at the end to see if we had achieved this.